Scouting America offers a streamlined online process for member and unit renewals. To support a smooth and efficient renewal experience, we have provided several resources below. All currently registered units and members are required to complete this annual renewal process.
Unit and member renewals are now handled separately and don’t happen at the same time. Membership lasts for 12 months from the registration date, no matter when the unit renews. Youth and adult leader memberships are now separate from unit renewal.
Unit Renewal begins two months before the unit expiration date, and then we have a two month lapsed period to allow for late renewal.
The Unit Key 3 can renew the unit and renew members if needed.
Yes, they will.
Yes, reports through the Council Dashboard in My.Scouting are available showing the stages of the submittal processes of a unit.
No, the ability for a unit to pay online cannot be turned off.
No, there is an option for ACH, Credit Card or pay at the council.
Yes. The unit can designate who they are paying for.
The council can print out a screen shot of the Org manager page for the unit to sign if needed, and soon a report will be customized for this.
The COR can login to Organization Manager and sign the form and then process the renewal, or any of the Unit Key-3 can sign.
The new process is much simpler but the two things you can do before you go to renew the unit charter is to check in Roster and see if all your adult leaders are current with YPT, and then check to see if you have any “aged out” youth, Scouts BSA that are now 18 years old as an example.
Units must submit the new unit paperwork found at and the letter of release from the old chartering organization to the council and it must be approved prior to starting unit renewal.
They will move to the “Members without Unit” report and will drop off as they naturally expire. Neither the council nor the unit has the ability to “remove” them.
The Scout Executive or a Council K-3 delegate has access to Organization Manager and can make this selection.
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